Because land surveying services vary widely from project to project, Green Leaf Land Surveys is sensitive to our client’s unique surveying needs and tailors each surveying crew to the specifications of the project type and requirements. Our land surveying services are performed by licensed, professional land surveyors and survey crews with extensive field experience.
Our land surveying services include:
Commercial Survey
This encompasses surveys performed on properties zoned commercial or industrial.
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Land Title Survey
Determines land bound
ries with locations of buildings, above-ground utilities, fences, driveways and possible encroachments and is shown on a drawing (plat).
Topographical Survey
Surveys which measure the elevation points on a particular piece of land and are shown by contour lines and dimensions on a drawing (plat).
Flood Elevation Certificate
An elevation certificate is an official form of the National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA). A survey for a Flood Elevation Certificate provides verification of the elevation data of a structure and the Base Flood Elevation (established on FEMA maps) on a given property relative to the ground level. This information is used in the flood insurance rating process and could lower insurance costs.
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Boundary Survey
This survey reestablishes boundaries of a parcel using its legal description. All property corners are either found or set and are displayed on a drawing (plat) along with all the permanent structures, above-ground utilities and any encroachments.
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
Formerly ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, this boundary survey and drawing (plat) which meets the requirements of ALTA (American Land Title Association) and the NSPS (National Society of Professional Surveyors) and incorporates review of the Title Search provided.
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As-Built Survey
A survey performed after construction to show the pre-existing and new improvements.
Refinancing Land Survey
When refinancing, mortgage lenders generally require a survey to complete the refinancing process. The survey you…
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Construction Survey
Staking the position and detailed layout of new structure(s) for proposed construction.
A County required survey, with individual specifications, for subdividing a property.
Slab Survey
The staking of structure or addition to ensure footprint is in correct proposed location and meets Municipality setback requirements.
Line Staking
The property corners are located and stakes are placed along property lines to act as a visual marker when fencing is erected or when landscaping is modified. No drawing (plat) is provided.
Site Plan
A Site Plan is a pre-construction drawing (plat) that shows the location of existing improvements, the proposed house or building, driveway and other improvements. It includes a Boundary Survey, Topographical Survey, Tree Location Survey and a Grading Plan according to County requirements.
Tree Location Survey
A survey pinpointing the location and diameter of trees. This drawing (plat) is then utilized by the Municipality’s Arborist to determine the removal and replacement of trees impacted by the proposed construction.